Thanks for all the ogart (Ty's word for yougart) and the trips to the pool. Happy Mothers Day, I love you, Tyson
Thanks for defending me from Tyson. Hopefully someday he'll learn to appreciate his younger brother. I like pizza.
Love, Lucas
The thing is, I KNOW that this is exactly what they would write if they were able to. Especially the last line in Lucas' note, "I like pizza". Classic.
Happy Mothers Day everyone, I like being a mom.
That's so funny! Your boys are so cute!
So sweet. I love being a mom too.
Marci, this is Brittany Collier... (Harney), I was blog hopping and found your page through Christie's! I just wanted to say hi, it's been forever! I love the pictures of your adorable little boys. Where are you guys living? Your in laws are in Hurricane? We're actually in St.George... fill me in on you guys!
Being a Mom is the best!!!
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