Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My name is Marci...

...and I too am a "Twilight-a-holic". I've felt a little reluctant to post about this over-posted subject, but I too am addicted to that crack like series by Stephanie Meyer. I saw this on one of my friends blogs and felt it was my duty to come out of the closet. So, here's a link to a partial manuscript that she has written telling Edwards version of the first Twilight book. I read it while I was in the hotel in Provo after the kids went to sleep. I swear it's like I'll do anything for one more hit, just like crack. 

No more until we get to Atlanta, but seriously I thought you all would want to have your fixes too.


Anonymous said...

ok say i already read Midnight Sun already and i too am an adict. seriously, i could stop reading. i already new the story but i had to just keep on reading...

just like crack:)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha welcome to the club! I'm so mad that some stupid jerk leaked it, I wanted the whole story and now I may never get it sooo sad. I was hoping she'd do the next books too, that would be the highlight of my life. well maybe not but I would read them like no bodies business!

Kesterfam said...

Too funny! I read the first one and it scared me to death. I called my sis in law and had her tell me what happens in the next few books so that I wouldn't have to read them. I think I'm definitely the odd man out. Everybody I knows loves them. Sorry to see you've fallen too! :)

Stu and Kaycee Fillmore said...

As if it didn't take me long enough to join Blogmania, I finally bought book one, Twilight, to read. I am wondering if I'll be scared? All I know is it's about a vampire. What's up with leaking the latest book? Can't believe that would happen.

Carpx2 said...

Girl my girls have also got me reading these yummy stories. I am in the middle of the frist book. No telling the whole story. Patti "C"

Jennifer B said...

I do love the Twilight series. I need to read the Host but I just need sleep too much to start. (OK ~ I have issues with putting down my book and going to bed.)

kimbo said...

Yes, I became an addict too. It took me just under two weeks to get through all four books. My husband and children suffered greatly during that time. They are glad it is all over. Now I just wait with great anticipation for the movie. Wish I could be in Vegas and go see it with you and all the other Vegas girls!

Kesterfam said...

Where are you?....Did Atlanta swallow you up?

Brooke said...

I read the first three and now a friend is going to loan me the 3rd one. I don't know if I can keep going. I'm sick of whiny, wussy Bella.