Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Teething sucks!

Our little guys are 13 months, 10 days, 9 hours (no one's counting) apart. Not that I would ever want to sway anyone one way or another in the decision making process of sibling spacing, BUT, let me let you in on a little information that we did not consider. TEETHING. Teething stinks in general, but when you have two babies teething at the same time, well it sucks! This was a rough night when only a little Tylenol, teething tablets and Baby Einstein could keep their minds off of the bone pushing its way through their little gums to the surface. Teething sucks.


Brooke said...

Awww... poor guys. Benson's right there too. His two bottom ones started coming in about a month ago and I think the two top ones are just about here. We'll see. Hey, by the way, I noticed little Lucas' blanket:) I hope he likes it!

Balser said...

Yeah so this is one of the cutest pictures I have seen. Granted they are all way cute, but this one is up there. I can only learn from you guys right now and prepare for the future.