Friday, March 28, 2008

Look up!

When we went to the children's museum there was this cool exhibit where you placed a ball in one of three vacuum tubes and then it goes down a type of maze thing (kind of like arcade "pingers"). Tyson was fascinated with it. He spent nearly an hour at this exhibit with most of his time looking up to figure out how it worked. His dad was able to show him a few other cool things. I'm sure we'll be going back. 

*we'd like to thank Brooke and Blaire for their influence in helping us culture our children. If they would 
ever like assistance in teaching their
kids the art of Vegas black jack, just
let us know.


Brooke said...

Happy to be of assistance in supposedly culturing your children:)

We were just at the Children's Museum the other day. Benson loves being out and about and playing (more like watching and trying to crawl on people) with all the other kids!

Kesterfam said...

Children's Museum???...In Vegas???...Where?
I love Tyson's hair...It looks so shiny and silky! Maybe I need to try Johnsons & Johnsons.
Wow...Lucas has CHOMPERS!! I bet those were painful coming in..good job making it through MOM!!

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! I have to admit though I like show Preston around the museums and stuff, but I think I enjoy it more than he does. Oh well, we're having a good time and that's all that matters.