Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm finally answering a tag...

Here's how to play:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I usually don't dig the tagging thing, but this is a tricky way to do it. I can't pretend to ignore a comment on my blog that I've been tagged. Plus I really dig Suzanne and am glad to have contact with her blog since she's moved. (Not that i don't dig others who have tagged me, I just pretend to ignore it. Rude, I know, but honest.) Here goes.

This is what my family calls me. I'm very strict about my kids' sleeping/nap schedules. When I got pregnant with Tyson I did like many do and started reading books. I became really interested in reading about sleep habits in babies in children. Seriously I think I could have at least a minor on this subject. Many people have commented that being so rigid with sleeping schedules really ties us down and limits our activities, but seriously I don't care. I'm totally commited on ensuring my kids get GREAT sleep. Sleep affects so many things, childhood obesity, attention spans in school, general health etc. Babies and Toddlers need 14-16 hours of sleep/day. Early elementary, 11-12. Late elementary at least 10. Highschool a minium of 8-9 hours. Babies and kids don't automatically know how to eat good foods, brush their teeth and when they need to sleep. We have to help them but making sure we put them down for naps and get them to bed on time. Our kids go to bed by 7-7:30pm and get up about 6:30-7am. That makes for a nice evening of some mommy/daddy time. Plus there's that whole word of wisdom thing, early to bed early to rise, etc. that some of us buy into. The Nap Nazi will now step off the soapbox.

I got certified in high school, it was hard. Sort of like a boy scout thing on steriods. We had to do overnights in snow shelters that we dug, and seriously learn how to use a compass. Our hardest test was 2 days 2 nights in the middle of the woods (no trails) with a map, compass points, tarp for a tent and backpack. We had to basically survive and find our way back using the map and compass points. I went on searches for people, but mainly we got called out to assist during flooding. I even got out of school a few times. Now that I have kids, I like camping in a motorhome or trailer. We bought our first tent-trailer this spring.

I grew up in a MAJOR sports family. I played fastpitch softball and wished I would have played basketball or volleyball. For a chick, I seriously know a lot about baseball and football (don't ask me about soccer, I'm clueless), and I'm one of those people who actually enjoys watching baseball on TV. I love highschool and college football (I prefer it over professional). If our boys choose to play sports I will definitely be their BIGGEST fan!

Not because I'm afraid, but because I feel bad for them. I don't kill spiders, I put them outside. Spiders are good, they kill the pesky bugs. I used to be really afraid of spiders in particular, but once I learned about them I got over it. This does not apply to poisness spiders that might harm my kids, then I would probably get Jim. I also don't like killing fish. I LOVE to fish and camp, but NEVER keep the fish. I have been known to sabatoge a few stringers full of live fish before. Seriously, don't kill bugs. Most of them are harmless.

Seriously I cry too easily. Commercials on TV, church of course, when I get really mad. Sometimes it is ridiculous. BUT, it seems like lately I have toughened up. I really try not to bawl about everything. I really don't like people to see me cry, I have an ugly cry face.

It's not a short fuse temper and it really takes something MAJOR to set me off, but when something does, I get MAD! I can hold my own in an arguement, I'm not afraid to stand up for myself and be vocal about something I'm passionate about. Sometimes I can be a little too blunt and vocal about things and let people know exactly what I think. I hope I don't turn into one of those crazy ladies, I'm really trying find a nice balance.

I don't have a lot of friends, but the friends I do have are GOOD friends. In fact, some of my best friends today, are people I've known since the 8th grade. I hope that they know that I would do anything for them, and have done some interesting things for my friends. And my family, NOTHING is more important to me. I never thought I would be a stay at home mom, but absolutely love it. One of the reasons I married Jim is that he holds family in the same regard as I do. Not just our immediate family, but our extended family as well. Jim does so much for both of our parents and I love him for it.

I tried to pick people who I haven't noticed have been tagged lately, so...
I TAG...

Jennifer Bowen
Patti Carpenter
Brooke Elton
Kaycee Fillmore
Ashley Gunson
Alicia Kester
Blaire Ostler


Anonymous said...

after reading this i can totally see why you and brooke are best friends:)naps, sports, all of guys are like twins.

ps. i was already tagged last month, but thanks for thinking of me:)

Stu and Kaycee Fillmore said...

First of all, what else can I say? I love you Marci!
1. Yes, you are a nap nazi. At least you're aware of it.
2. I love watching baseball too!
3. Now I know why you really didn't like it when Audrey was trying to smash the ants on our walks.
4. I love it that you have such a temper, because I personally can never say what needs to be said in the moment, and it really bugs me!
5. You are totally loyal, and it's one of the wonderful things about you.
That was so fun to read. Now I'll have to answer the tag on my blog.

Brooke said...

1. Totally agree with you on the sleep thing. Who else will watch out for my kids health?

2. I remember when you used to get out of school. Seriously, I think it's hard core you did all that stuff. I don't know if I know how to use a compass... I guess that means I probably don't:)

3. Didn't you pay attention at any of my soccer games?

Also, no one had taught me more about sports than you. Not even my husband! Thanks for educating me!

4. Kill all the bugs. Sorry...

5. You're cry face isn't that bad.

6. You don't have a temper. You're quite a level headed person all the time. If you were to lose your temper it'd be for a good reason.

7. That's why your my BFF!

Me tagged: I'll just say what I've written here will count as my tagging addition. Good enough, yeah? I should just lie and say I've already done it:)

pinkfrostycookies said...

This was so much fun to read! You are so talented and such a great mom and friend.
I wish you lived next door so I could have you catch and release all my indoor bugs. I used to feel bad when I killed the ants, but I don't anymore since one bit me.
I'm so glad you have a blog so we can better keep in touch.

Jennifer B said...

Thanks for being so real & helping me to laugh. (I need it). I will get to the tag thing soon. =)