Sunday, June 28, 2009

Our Idaho Redneck Vacation Rocked!

The Falls on the South Fork of the Snake River.
Lucas LOVED the falls, I swear he entered like a Zen state whenever we got close (we went twice) and he cried when we left.

Tyson loved "helping" with everything to do with the boat. He also helped daddy fish.
Jim's Charlie's Angles pose...
Have you ever shot a 44 Mag? It's like shooting a cannon, not my favorite gun, but Jim likes it.
I'm shooting an AR-15. I liked it. I also happen to be a bulls eye shot from 40 yards out (bettcha didn't know I'm like freaking Annie Oakley), my favorite though is a Glock, which I also can hit bulls eye's with. Jim says this is why he made me quit playing Grand Theft Auto, something about transference...
We also did some 4-wheeling...

It was a really fun vacation. We had a lot of rain and it was MUCH cooler than vegas, but we all thrived, something about being in the mountains, in the fresh air, is well, refreshing. We loved our redneck vacation and can't wait to go again!


Chelsea said...

I remember shooting that gun when we were in school in orem! that gun was way too much for me!

Brooke said...

Uhhh.. no more guns on the blog. Although, I must admit you guys look super hard core! And yes, I do like to shoot a firearm every now and again. Remember our camping trip when Jim taught me to shot a 44... was is a 44? I don't remember. Oh well, good times, great memories.

PS Your boys get cuter and cuter every day! Love them:)

Carpx2 said...

You guys this really does look like a great and relaxing vacation. What were you all shooting at? Clyde and I like to go out shooting also. The water...WOW!

pinkfrostycookies said...

Cool vacation! I love Idaho! Great job capturing the breathtaking scenery. I think YOU would make a great Charlie's Angel.